Community: An Artist Collective

Posted on October 4, 2012 by


Cville Niche got an exclusive inside scoop from the four ladies of Cville’s newest “pop up” boutique/gallery space, Community: An Artist Collective. These four ladies are artists and entrepreneurs, clothing and jewelry designers, and we can’t wait to see the artists (and products!) they showcase this week and in weeks to come. Their hours of operation will be Monday & Tuesday by appointment, Wednesday-Sunday, 11-5.

community logo

Come out for their Grand Opening this Friday, October 5th at 315 West Main Street – Sweethaus’ old space next to Random Row Books.

community event

“This fall, we hope to give the Charlottesville community a taste of what is up-and-coming in art and design and give our fellow artist friends a space to show and sell their work.”


How long has Community been in the works – as an idea and as an actual business?

It actually all happened very quickly. Community truly is a collaborative effort, we all brought something to the table as far as creating our current vision. All of us had been kicking around our own different ideas for projects, galleries, and stores, but one day we sat down over tacos and got to talking and this collective idea started forming between the four of us. That was in July, it’s now that the end of September and we’ve somehow made it happen!

Describe Community in 10 words or less.

We’re an artist collective, something between a store and a gallery.

What makes Community unique as a boutique in Cville?

Our goal is to promote independent designers and artists and we’ll be cycling through different groups every month so we’ll constantly be reinventing our inventory. We also are thinking of ourselves as a gallery space too, we went to showcase artists and designers that we think our community should know about.

Four ladies – are you all artists? What are your roles in the collective?

We’re definitely all artists at heart. Creativity and ingenuity is very important to us, and creating images is what really gets us excited.

At the core of Community are two ladies contributing to a clothing line, Willow Knows, and two ladies contributing to a jewelry line, Academy, but our individual roles in Community are still pretty nebulous at this point. We all help each other out and put in work where work needs to be done, in whatever capacity that might be. {View Academy’s lookbook}

How can artists get involved? How can the community get involved?

We’re always open to learning about new artists, and want to help you learn about new artists as well. Interested designers are always welcome to contact us at

We chose the name Community for a reason, our hopes are that anyone who is interested in what we are doing and what talent there is around them will come by the space and learn with us.