12 Days of Local Beer | Day 3

Posted on December 16, 2011 by


Day Three

Starr Hill // Crozet, VA

5) Anniversary Ale – Although not a holiday ale, Starr Hill’s Anniversary Ale came out last month in celebration of their 11th anniversary as a brewery. The beer is a mixture of their first beer, Amber Ale, and their flagship, Northern Lights IPA. The beer is still available on tap, but supply is limited, so bring your growler with you when you stop by the tasting room

Beer Run // Charlottesville, VA

6) Tröegs Mad Elf – True, Beer Run isn’t a brewery. However, in the past 4 years, the establishment has easily made itself a name in C’ville for knowing all things beer-related, which is why they’re included too. One of their recommendations, and one my favorites, is the holiday ale, Tröegs Mad Elf. This style of beer is a Belgian Strong Dark, so they’ll be strong on malts and weak on hops. Aromas & flavors of cherries, banana, raisins, cloves, & honey make it delicious, but also deceptive at 11% abv.