Browsing All posts tagged under »april first fridays cville«

Spring Arts Round-up

April 4, 2014 by


Spring is gearing up to be packed with great local art events happening all over town. We asked art galleries, shops, and locals one question: “What should we look forward to at your upcoming arts events this Spring?” Catch a glimpse of what the galleries, shops, and locals are saying cannot be missed! The Bridge […]

Local Artist Check-in: David Murray

April 2, 2014 by


If you’ve visited Telegraph on the Downtown Mall to pick up some zines, prints, and other unique fare, or to browse colorful artists during a First Fridays walk while sipping on a cold PBR, you have probably seen David Murray. David plays multiple roles as both part-owner of Telegraph Art and Gallery with his equally […]

Welcome, April!

April 5, 2012 by


Spring is here! Cville Niche will be bringing you the April First Fridays Buzzlet for everything First Fridays tomorrow morning. Keep an eye out, and enjoy the crisp spring weather this weekend for the walking gallery tour of First Fridays and the City Market on Water Street!